It has been named “Mobilegeddon“. Google is making another huge update to their Search Algorithm to favor Mobile-Friendly sites. The Google Webmaster Central Blog announces two important changes to help users discover more mobile-friendly content:

Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.

In mobile search results Google currently denotes which sites are mobile-friendly (below is an example). With the new Algorithm you will see non-optimized pages drop from mobile rankings and top search results will feature only mobile-friendly pages.

Involve Media Mobile Friendly Search

Should you do something about this? Yes!

With mobile nearly surpassing desktop searches you want to make sure your website is not penalized for non-optimized pages. To find out if your website is mobile ready (responsive) start by using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test page.

Involve Media Mobile-Friendly Test

Secondly, use the Mobile Usability Report in Google Webmaster Tools to find any other recommendations that might improve mobile use.

The most frequent mistakes I have seen are Unplayable Content and Faulty Redirects.  If you don’t know where to start looking for issues on your website Google has compiled a list of the common mistakes they see on mobile websites.

Do you need help testing your website?

Leave a comment below or give me a call anytime @ 888.407.4514 and I would be happy to test it for you.

Here are a few more tools for testing your website W3C and  Do you know of any other helpful sites for testing mobile?   Please leave a comment below.