It has been named “Mobilegeddon“. Google is making another huge update to their Search Algorithm to favor Mobile-Friendly sites. The Google Webmaster Central Blog announces two important changes to help users discover more mobile-friendly content:
Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.
In mobile search results Google currently denotes which sites are mobile-friendly (below is an example). With the new Algorithm you will see non-optimized pages drop from mobile rankings and top search results will feature only mobile-friendly pages.
Should you do something about this? Yes!
With mobile nearly surpassing desktop searches you want to make sure your website is not penalized for non-optimized pages. To find out if your website is mobile ready (responsive) start by using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test page.
Secondly, use the Mobile Usability Report in Google Webmaster Tools to find any other recommendations that might improve mobile use.
The most frequent mistakes I have seen are Unplayable Content and Faulty Redirects. If you don’t know where to start looking for issues on your website Google has compiled a list of the common mistakes they see on mobile websites.
Do you need help testing your website?
Leave a comment below or give me a call anytime @ 888.407.4514 and I would be happy to test it for you.
Here are a few more tools for testing your website W3C and Do you know of any other helpful sites for testing mobile? Please leave a comment below.
Thanks Steve! This is great info!